I first picked up a guitar in the 70's. I then spent 1000's of hours practicing in my bedroom, early in the morning, late at night, all through the 80's and 90's. Sometimes it was very enjoyable. Sometimes I wanted to throw my guitar out of the window. My practice was often inefficient and I didn't understand certain things about acquiring motor skills. My progress was slower than it should have been.
Now, I know how to do it better. A few years ago, I started to learn the drums and I was good enough to play concerts a year later. Easy! I knew where to focus. I knew some short-cuts.
Benefit from my mistakes and my experience of helping 800+ guitar, uke and bass students to play. Saving time and energy leaves you free to enjoy the learning process.
Acoustic guitar mastery = 9 chords
You can play a HUGE amount of songs using just 9 chord shapes.
For example, songs by The Beatles, Adele, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Amy Winehouse, Bob Marley, The Rolling Stones, Ed Sheeren, Aretha Franklin, Alanis Morisette, Simon and Garfunkel, The Doors, Elvis, The Cranberries, Jeff Buckley, Pharell Williams, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and many more….
1 scale, 1 position, some additional notes. 2 rhythms covering ALL Blues/Classic Rock songs 3 keys covering most Blues/Classic Rock songs. Simple ways to add variety into your soloing: subdivide and switch; standard licks; variation on the melody; displacement….
If your aim is to solo over Blues or Classic Rock tunes, I know an efficient way. At least it will be a good basis from which to start. If it worked for Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimi Hendrix, it will work for you too!
Ukulele mastery = 10 chords
It’s the same situation as for the acoustic guitar. You can play a HUGE amount of songs using just a handful of chords. And 2 of these chords require just 1 finger!
Classic riffs and songs Common arpeggios Shuffle and straight rhythms, various tempos
With some good basic technique, you can play many classic songs in a variety of genres: Blues, Pop, Rock, Reggae, Folk, Country, Rock ‘n’ roll, Funk, you name it......
By Mark Baxter (c) 2018 - 2023
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